21 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1167
  1. Luca Biasco, Jessica Elisa Massetti, Michela Procesi, “Small amplitude weak almost periodic solutions for the 1d NLS”, Duke Math. J., 172:14 (2023)  crossref
  2. Meina Gao, “QUASI-PERIODIC SOLUTIONS FOR 1D NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATION”, jaac, 13:3 (2023), 1505  crossref
  3. Xiaoping Yuan, “KAM Theorem with Normal Frequencies of Finite Limit‐Points for Some Shallow Water Equations”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 74:6 (2021), 1193  crossref
  4. Livia Corsi, Riccardo Montalto, Michela Procesi, “Almost-Periodic Response Solutions for a Forced Quasi-Linear Airy Equation”, J Dyn Diff Equat, 33:3 (2021), 1231  crossref
  5. Yuan Wu, Xiaoping Yuan, “On the Kolmogorov theorem for some infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems of short range”, Nonlinear Analysis, 202 (2021), 112120  crossref
  6. Hongzi Cong, Chunyong Liu, Peizhen Wang, “A Nekhoroshev type theorem for the nonlinear wave equation”, Journal of Differential Equations, 269:4 (2020), 3853  crossref
  7. Guanghua Shi, Dongfeng Yan, “Quasi-periodic Solutions for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Legendre Potential”, Taiwanese J. Math., 24:3 (2020)  crossref
  8. Moudhaffar Bouthelja, “KAM for the nonlinear wave equation on the circle: A normal form theorem”, Boll Unione Mat Ital, 12:3 (2019), 363  crossref
  9. Guanghua Shi, Dongfeng Yan, “Quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear wave equation with singular Legendre potential”, Bound Value Probl, 2019:1 (2019)  crossref
  10. Chunyong Liu, Huayong Liu, Rong Zhao, “A Nekhoroshev Type Theorem for the Nonlinear Wave Equation in Gevrey Space”, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B, 40:3 (2019), 389  crossref