151 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1153
José A. Peña, “Algebras Whose Coxeter Polynomials are Products of Cyclotomic Polynomials”, Algebr Represent Theor, 2013
А. В. Фонарёв, “Минимальные лефшецевы разложения производных категорий грассманианов”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 77:5 (2013), 203–224 ; A. Fonarev, “Minimal Lefschetz decompositions of the derived categories for Grassmannians”, Izv. Math., 77:5 (2013), 1044–1065
Marcello Bernardara, Michele Bolognesi, “Derived categories and rationality of conic bundles”, Compositio Math, 2013, 1
Alexeev V., Orlov D., “Derived Categories of Burniat Surfaces and Exceptional Collections”, Math. Ann., 357:2 (2013), 743–759
Galkin S., Shinder E., “Exceptional Collections of Line Bundles on the Beauville Surface”, Adv. Math., 244 (2013), 1033–1050
Alexander Kuznetsov, “Instanton bundles on Fano threefolds”, centr.eur.j.math, 2012
С. О. Иванов, “Стабильная Калаби–Яу размерность препроективных алгебр типа $\mathbf L_n$”, Алгебра и анализ, 24:3 (2012), 148–162 ; S. O. Ivanov, “The stable Calabi–Yau dimension of preprojective algebras of type $\mathbf L_n$”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 24:3 (2013), 475–484
José A. de la Peña, “On the coefficients of the Coxeter polynomial of an accessible algebra”, Journal of Algebra, 372 (2012), 149
Bernardara M., Bolognesi M., “Categorical Representability and Intermediate Jacobians of Fano Threefolds”, Derived Categories in Algebraic Geometry - Tokyo 2011, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., ed. Kawamata Y., Eur. Math. Soc., 2012, 1–25
Canonaco A., Stellari P., “Fourier-Mukai Functors: a Survey”, Derived Categories in Algebraic Geometry - Tokyo 2011, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., ed. Kawamata Y., Eur. Math. Soc., 2012, 27–60