7 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ijmpa13
Alexander Evgen'evich Teretenkov, “Superoperator master equations and effective dynamics”, Entropy, 26:1 (2024), 14–24
Х. Ш. Меретуков, А. Е. Теретёнков, “О зависящих от времени проекторах и обобщении термодинамического подхода в теории открытых квантовых систем”, Труды МИАН, 324 (2024), 144–161
; Kh. Sh. Meretukov, A. E. Teretenkov, “On Time-Dependent Projectors and a Generalization of the Thermodynamical Approach in the Theory of Open Quantum Systems”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 135–152
A. E. Teretenkov, “Superoperator Master Equations for Depolarizing Dynamics”, Lobachevskii J Math, 45:6 (2024), 2615
M. K. Aleksashin, A. M. Basharov, A. I. Trubilko, “The local approach to the theory of open optical quantum systems and “violation” of the second law of thermodynamics”, Известия Российской академии наук. Серия физическая, 87:10 (2023), 1482
Alexander Evgen'evich Teretenkov, “Memory tensor for non-Markovian dynamics with random Hamiltonian”, Mathematics, 11:18 (2023), 3854–19
M. K. Aleksashin, A. M. Basharov, A. I. Trubilko, “A Local Approach to the Theory of Open Optical Quantum Systems and “Violation” of the Second Law of Thermodynamics”, Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys., 87:10 (2023), 1509
A. Yu. Karasev, A. E. Teretenkov, “Time-convolutionless master equations for composite open quantum systems”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 44:6 (2023), 2051–2064