14 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ftt372
Gevyk V.B., Novikov S.M., Fedortsov D.G., Fodchuk I.M., “Modelling of X-ray diffraction images of dislocation loops in crystals”, Metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii, 27:9 (2005), 1237-1250
Talanin I.E., Talanin V.L., “Physical classification of grown-in microdefects in dislocation-free silicon single crystals”, Metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii, 26:3 (2004), 371-386
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., “Mechanism of formation and physical classification of the grown-in microdefects in semiconductor silicon”, Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors — An Annual Retrospective VII, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 230–232, 2004, 177-198
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Levinson D.I., “Physics of the formation of microdefects in dislocation-free monocrystals of float-zone silicon”, Semiconductor science and technology, 17:2 (2002), 104-113
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Levinson D.I., “Physical model of paths of microdefects nucleation in dislocation-free single crystals float-zone silicon”, Crystal research and technology, 37:9 (2002), 983-1010
Talanin V.I., “The mechanism of formation, growth and transformation of microdefects in dislocation-free monocrystals of silicon”, 1st Siberian Russian Student Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials (EDM 2000), 2000, 87-90
Eidenzon A.M., Puzanov N.I., “Classification of grown-in microdefects in czochralski-grown silicon-crystals”, Inorganic materials, 31:4 (1995), 401-409
Сорокин Л.М., Пономарева Н.Б., Гусева Н.Б., Щеглов М.П., Хатчисон Дж., “Исследование бестигельного кремния, полученного при большой скорости роста, методом электронной микроскопии высокого разрешения”, Физика твердого тела, 36:9 (1994), 2657-2665 https://journals.ioffe.ru/articles/16638 [Sorokin L.M., Ponomareva N.B., Guseva N.B., Scheglov M.P., Khatchison D., “Study on crucibleless silicon prepared under the high growth speed by the high-resolution electron-microscopy technique”, Fizika tverdogo tela, 36:9 (1994), 2657-2665]
Витман Р.Ф., Гусева Н.Б., Лебедев А.А., Ситниковa А.А., Фалькевич Э.С., Червоный Н.Ф., “Взаимосвязь структурно-чувствительных свойств с генетическими особенностями монокристаллов кремния”, Физика твердого тела, 36:3 (1994), 697-704 https://journals.ioffe.ru/articles/16407 [Vitman R.F., Guseva N.B., Lebedev A.A., Sitnikova A.A., Falkevich E.S., Chervonyi N.F., “Relation of the structurally sensitive properties of single-crystal silicon with its genetic features”, FIzika Tverdogo Tela, 36:3 (1994), 697-704]
Трайнин А. Л., Шульпина И. Л., “Определение природы источников дислокационных петель методами рентгеновской дифракционной топографии”, Физика твердого тела, 34:3 (1992), 708-713 [Trainin A.L., Shulpina I.L., “Study of the nature of the dislocation loop sources by X-ray-diffraction topography”, Fizika tverdogo tela, 34:3 (1992), 708-713]