18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ffa1
THÉO UNTRAU, “Equidistribution of exponential sums indexed by a subgroup of fixed cardinality”, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 176:1 (2024), 65
ALINA OSTAFE, IGOR E. SHPARLINSKI, JOSÉ FELIPE VOLOCH, “Weil Sums over Small Subgroups”, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 176:1 (2024), 39
Alina Ostafe, Igor E Shparlinski, José Felipe Voloch, “Equations and Character Sums with Matrix Powers, Kloosterman Sums over Small Subgroups, and Quantum Ergodicity”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023:16 (2023), 14196
Doowon Koh, Sujin Lee, Thang Pham, Chun-Yen Shen, “Configurations of rectangles in Fq2”, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 86 (2023), 102147
Todd Cochrane, Misty Ostergaard, Craig Spencer, “Homogeneous additive congruences”, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 52:4 (2022)
Mei-Chu Chang, Bryce Kerr, Igor E. Shparlinski, “On the exponential large sieve inequality for sparse sequences modulo primes”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 459:1 (2018), 53
I.D. Shkredov, “Differences of subgroups in subgroups”, Int. J. Number Theory, 14:4 (2018), 1111–1134
Simon Macourt, “Bounds on exponential sums with quadrinomials”, Journal of Number Theory, 193 (2018), 118
И. В. Вьюгин, Е. В. Солодкова, И. Д. Шкредов, “Об аддитивной энергии подгруппы Хейльбронна”, Матем. заметки, 101:1 (2017), 43–57
; I. V. Vyugin, E. V. Solodkova, I. D. Shkredov, “On the Additive Energy of the Heilbronn Subgroup”, Math. Notes, 101:1 (2017), 58–70
Todd Cochrane, Dilum De Silva, Christopher Pinner, “(p - 1)th Roots of unity mod pn, generalized Heilbronn sums, Lind-Lehmer constants, and Fermat quotients”, Michigan Math. J., 66:1 (2017)