42 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa855
Hongwei Gao, Ziang Long, Jack Xin, Yifeng Yu, “Existence of an Effective Burning Velocity in a Cellular Flow for the Curvature G-Equation Proved Using a Game Analysis”, J Geom Anal, 34:3 (2024)
Jack Xin, Yifeng Yu, Paul Ronney, “Lagrangian, game theoretic, and PDE methods for averaging G-equations in turbulent combustion: existence and beyond”, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 61:3 (2024), 470
Mariusz Lemańczyk, “Ergodicity, mixing, Ratner's properties and disjointness for classical flows: On the research of Corinna Ulcigrai”, JMD, 18 (2022), 103
Bassam Fayad, Giovanni Forni, Adam Kanigowski, “Lebesgue spectrum of countable multiplicity for conservative flows on the torus”, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 34:3 (2021), 747
De Leo R., “A Survey on Quasiperiodic Topology”, Advanced Mathematical Methods in Biosciences and Applications, Steam-H Science Technology Engineering Agriculture Mathematics & Health, eds. Berezovskaya F., Toni B., Springer International Publishing Ag, 2019, 53–88
Cleber de Medeira, Sérgio L. Zani, “A class of globally non-solvable involutive systems on the torus”, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 10:2 (2019), 455
F. Cellarosi, The Abel Prize, The Abel Prize 2013-2017, 2019, 207
В. Е. Круглов, Д. С. Малышев, О. В. Починка, “Многоцветный граф как полный топологический инвариант для $\Omega$-устойчивых потоков без периодических траекторий на поверхностях”, Матем. сб., 209:1 (2018), 100–126 ; V. E. Kruglov, D. S. Malyshev, O. V. Pochinka, “A multicolour graph as a complete topological invariant for $\Omega$-stable flows without periodic trajectories on surfaces”, Sb. Math., 209:1 (2018), 96–121
Jon Chaika, Alex Wright, “A smooth mixing flow on a surface with nondegenerate fixed points”, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 32:1 (2018), 81
A. Ya. Maltsev, “On the analytical properties of the magneto-conductivity in the case of presence of stable open electron trajectories on a complex Fermi surface”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 124:5 (2017), 805