22 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa623
A.V. Belitsky, A.S. Gorsky, G.P. Korchemsky, “Logarithmic scaling in gauge/string correspondence”, Nuclear Physics B, 748:1-2 (2006), 24
А. В. Маршаков, “Квазиклассическая геометрия и интегрируемость АдС/КТП-соответствия”, ТМФ, 142:2 (2005), 265–283
; A. V. Marshakov, “Semiclassical geometry and integrability of the ads/cft correspondence”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 142:2 (2005), 222–236
A. V. Marshakov, “Semiclassical geometry and integrability of the AdS/CFT correspondence”, Theor Math Phys, 142:2 (2005), 222
A. V. Marshakov, “Semiclassical geometry and integrability of the ads/cft correspondence”, Theor Math Phys, 142:2 (2005), 222
V A.Kazakov, A Marshakov, J A.Minahan, K Zarembo, “Classical/quantum integrability in AdS/CFT”, J. High Energy Phys., 2004:05 (2004), 024
A.V. Belitsky, A.S. Gorsky, G.P. Korchemsky, “Gauge/string duality for QCD conformal operators”, Nuclear Physics B, 667:1-2 (2003), 3
Krichever, I, “Periodic and almost-periodic potentials in inverse problems”, Inverse Problems, 15:6 (1999), R117
И. М. Кричевер, “Алгебро-геометрические n-ортогональные криволинейные системы координат и решения уравнений ассоциативности”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 31:1 (1997), 32–50
; I. M. Krichever, “Algebraic-Geometric $n$-Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Systems and Solutions of the Associativity Equations”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 31:1 (1997), 25–39
H. J. Vega, N. Sánchez, String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale, 1996, 11
H. J. de Vega, I. L. Egusquiza, “Planetoid string solutions in 3+1 axisymmetric spacetimes”, Phys. Rev. D, 54:12 (1996), 7513