33 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa418
Mai Hoang Bien, Truong Huu Dung, Nguyen Thi Thai Ha, “A certain decomposition of infinite invertible matrices over division algebras”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 71:12 (2023), 1948
И. Н. Зотов, В. М. Левчук, “Нефинитарные алгебры и их группы автоморфизмов”, Сиб. матем. журн., 63:1 (2022), 104–115 ; I. N. Zotov, V. M. Levchuk, “Nonfinitary algebras and their automorphism groups”, Siberian Math. J., 63:1 (2022), 87–96
Cesar Cuenca, Grigori Olshanski, “Infinite-dimensional groups over finite fields and Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions”, Advances in Mathematics, 395 (2022), 108087
Gargate I., Gargate M., “Expressing Upper Triangular Matrices as Products of Commutators of Finite Order Elements”, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2021
Bui Xuan Hai, Cao Minh Nam, Mai Hoang Bien, “Automorphism Groups of Vector Spaces With Generalized Group Identities”, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2021
Neretin Yu.A., “Groups Gl(Infinity) Over Finite Fields and Multiplications of Double Cosets”, J. Algebra, 585 (2021), 370–421
Groenhout P., Reid C.D., Willis G.A., “Topologically Simple, Totally Disconnected, Locally Compact Infinite Matrix Groups”, J. Lie Theory, 30:4 (2020), 965–980
Hou X., Li Sh., Zheng Q., “On the Decompositions of Infinite Upper Triangular Matrices Over Rings”, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 66:9 (2018), 1917–1924
Hou X., Li Sh., Yang Yu., “Commutator Subgroups of Vershik-Kerov Groups For Infinite Symplectic Groups”, Scienceasia, 43:5 (2017), 319–325
Gupta Ch.K., Holubowski W., “Commutator Subgroup of Vershik-Kerov Group II”, Linear Alg. Appl., 471 (2015), 85–95