390 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa2802
В. В. Трофимов, “Группа голономии и обобщенные классы Маслова подмногообразий
в пространствах аффинной связности”, Матем. заметки, 49:2 (1991), 113–123 ; V. V. Trofimov, “Holonomy group and generalized Maslov classes of submanifolds of spaces with an affine connection”, Math. Notes, 49:2 (1991), 193–200
Valerii V. Trofimov, “Connections on manifolds and new characteristic classes”, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 22:2-3 (1991), 283
J. Duval, “Une contrainte g�om�trique pour certaines sous-vari�t�s rationnellement convexes”, Math. Ann., 289:1 (1991), 627
J M Robbins, “Maslov indices in the Gutzwiller trace formula”, Nonlinearity, 4:2 (1991), 343
Marie-Paule Muller, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1416, Géométrie Symplectique et Mécanique, 1990, 235
M. Reuter, “Maslov index in Chern-Simons quantum mechanics”, Phys. Rev. D, 42:8 (1990), 2763
C. Viterbo, “A new obstruction to embedding Lagrangian tori”, Invent Math, 100:1 (1990), 301
Sönke Hansen, “An algorithm for Lagrangian subspaces”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 129 (1990), 155
E. Gozzi, M. Reuter, “Classical mechanics as a topological field theory”, Physics Letters B, 240:1-2 (1990), 137
G. Marmo, G. Morandi, N. Mukunda, “A geometrical approach to the Hamilton-Jacobi form of dynamics and its generalizations”, Riv. Nuovo Cim., 13:8 (1990), 1