387 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa2612
Miki Wadati, Tetsuo Deguchi, Yasuhiro Akutsu, “Exactly solvable models and knot theory”, Physics Reports, 180:4-5 (1989), 247
Bijan Bagchi, Anuradha Lahiri, Prodyot Kumar Roy, “Conservation laws, Korteweg–de Vries and sine-Gordon systems, and the role of supersymmetry”, Phys. Rev. D, 39:4 (1989), 1186
C.L. Schultz, M.J. Ablowitz, “Action-angle variables and trace formula for D-bar limit case of Davey-Stewartson I”, Physics Letters A, 135:8-9 (1989), 433
Walter Oevel, Orlando Ragnisco, “R-matrices and higher poisson brackets for integrable systems”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 161:1 (1989), 181
R Beals, R R Coifman, “Linear spectral problems, non-linear equations and the δ-method”, Inverse Problems, 5:2 (1989), 87
Е. И. Шульман, “О дополнительных интегралах движения классических гамильтоновых волновых систем”, ТМФ, 76:1 (1988), 88–99
; E. I. Shulman, “Additional integrals of the motion of classical Hamiltonian wave systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 76:1 (1988), 725–734
В. А. Аркадьев, А. К. Погребков, М. К. Поливанов, “Разложения по квадратам, симплектические и пуассоновы структуры, ассоциированные с задачей Штурма–Лиувилля. II”, ТМФ, 75:2 (1988), 170–186
; V. A. Arkad'ev, A. K. Pogrebkov, M. K. Polivanov, “Expansions with respect to squares, symplectic and poisson structures associated with the Sturm–Liouville problem. II”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 75:2 (1988), 448–460
G. W. Kentwell, “The Hamiltonian structure of the modified and fifth-order Korteweg–de Vries equation”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 29:1 (1988), 46
C Athorne, “Local Hamiltonian structures of multicomponent KdV equations”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 21:24 (1988), 4549
Pranab K. Chanda, A. Roy Chowdhury, “Painlev� test for long-wave, short-wave interaction equation. II”, Int J Theor Phys, 27:7 (1988), 901