61 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa2104
Oganesyan V., “Matrix Commuting Differential Operators of Rank 2 and Arbitrary Genus”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2019, no. 3, 834–851
Stefan A. HOROCHOLYN, “ON THE GEOMETRY OF STAR-SHAPED CURVES IN R<sup>n </sup>”, Kyushu J. Math., 73:1 (2019), 123
В. С. Оганесян, “Иерархия АКНС и конечнозонные потенциалы Шредингера”, ТМФ, 196:1 (2018), 50–63
; V. S. Oganesyan, “The AKNS hierarchy and finite-gap Schrödinger potentials”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 196:1 (2018), 983–995
Yu Hou, Engui Fan, Zhijun Qiao, “The algebro-geometric solutions for the Fokas–Olver–Rosenau–Qiao (FORQ) hierarchy”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 117 (2017), 105
Sonja Currie, Thomas T. Roth, Bruce A. Watson, “Borg's Periodicity Theorems for First-Order Self-Adjoint Systems with Complex Potentials”, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 60:3 (2017), 615
Б. Гайич, В. Драгович, Б. Йованович, “О полноте интегралов Манакова”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 20:2 (2015), 35–49
; B. Gajić, V. Dragović, B. Jovanović, “On the completeness of the Manakov integrals”, J. Math. Sci., 223:6 (2017), 675–685
Vladimir Dragović, Borislav Gajić, Božidar Jovanović, “Note on Free Symmetric Rigid Body Motion”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 20:3 (2015), 293–308
Yu Hou, Engui Fan, Zhijun Qiao, Zhong Wang, “Algebro-geometric Solutions for the Derivative Burgers Hierarchy”, J Nonlinear Sci, 25:1 (2015), 1
Vladimir Dragović, Borislav Gajić, Božidar Jovanović, “Note on free symmetric rigid body motion”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 20:3 (2015), 293
Pavlov M.V., Sergyeyev A., “Oriented Associativity Equations and Symmetry Consistent Conjugate Curvilinear Coordinate Nets”, J. Geom. Phys., 85 (2014), 46–59