31 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa1472
  1. Pavao Mardešić, Maja Resman, Vesna Županović, “Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of ε-neighborhoods of orbits”, Journal of Differential Equations, 253:8 (2012), 2493  crossref
  2. Ale Jan Homburg, Björn Sandstede, Handbook of Dynamical Systems, 3, 2010, 379  crossref
  3. Tobias Kaiser, “The Dirichlet problem in the plane with semianalytic raw data, quasi analyticity, and o-minimal structure”, Duke Math. J., 147:2 (2009)  crossref
  4. L. Ortiz-Bobadilla, E. Rosales-González, S. M. Voronin, “Extended Holonomy and Topological Invariance of Vanishing Holonomy Group”, J Dyn Control Syst, 14:3 (2008), 299  crossref
  5. Mariana Saavedra, “Asymptotic expansion of the period function II”, Journal of Differential Equations, 222:2 (2006), 476  crossref
  6. Arnold's Problems, 2005, 181  crossref
  7. Li, JB, “Hilbert's 16th problem and bifurcations of planar polynomial vector fields”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 13:1 (2003), 47  crossref  isi
  8. Mariana Saavedra, “Asymptotic expansion of the period function”, Journal of Differential Equations, 193:2 (2003), 359  crossref
  9. Ilyashenko, Y, “Centennial history of Hilbert's 16th problem”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 39:3 (2002), 301  crossref  isi
  10. Armengol Gasull, Vı́ctor Mañosa, Francesc Mañosas, “Stability of certain planar unbounded polycycles”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 269:1 (2002), 332  crossref