122 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa1333
A. Hayashi, T. Hashimoto, M. Horibe, “Extended quantum color coding”, Phys. Rev. A, 71:1 (2005)
S. Shlosman, “Applications of the wulff construction to the number theory”, J Math Sci, 126:2 (2005), 1128
A.N. Sergeev, A.P. Veselov, “Generalised discriminants, deformed Calogero–Moser–Sutherland operators and super-Jack polynomials”, Advances in Mathematics, 192:2 (2005), 341
Gamburd A., “Expander graphs, random matrices and quantum chaos”, Random Walks and Geometry, 2004, 109–140
А. М. Вершик, Ю. В. Якубович, “Асимптотика равномерной меры на симплексах, случайные композиции и разбиения”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 37:4 (2003), 39–48 ; A. M. Vershik, Yu. V. Yakubovich, “Asymptotics of the Uniform Measures on Simplices and Random Compositions and Partitions”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 37:4 (2003), 273–280
V. I. Arnol'd, “Frequent representations”, Mosc. Math. J., 3:4 (2003), 1209–1221
Vershik, A, “Two lectures on the asymptotic representation theory and statistics of Young diagrams”, Asymptotic Combinatorics With Applications To Mathematical Physics, 1815 (2003), 161
H. Cohn, C. Umans, 44th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2003. Proceedings., 2003, 438
Karl Petersen, Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, 7, Dynamics and Randomness, 2002, 147
Vladimir Ivanov, Grigori Olshanski, Symmetric Functions 2001: Surveys of Developments and Perspectives, 2002, 93