16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa1272
Д. А. Голицын, А. А. Кутузова, Д. В. Талалаев, “Гиперболические устойчивые многочлены и полная положительность”, Матем. заметки, 116:3 (2024), 477–481
; D. A. Golicin, A. A. Kutuzova, D. V. Talalaev, “Hyperbolic stable polynomials and total positivity”, Math. Notes, 116:3 (2024), 561–565
Zhou Fan, Yi Sun, Tianhao Wang, Yihong Wu, “Likelihood landscape and maximum likelihood estimation for the discrete orbit recovery model”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 76:6 (2023), 1208
Anya Katsevich, Afonso S. Bandeira, “Likelihood Maximization and Moment Matching in Low SNR Gaussian Mixture Models”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 76:4 (2023), 788
Vladimir KOSTOV, “The disconnectedness of certain sets defined after uni-variate polynomials”, Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 5:3 (2022), 119
Goldman G., Salman Y., Yomdin Y., “Accuracy of Noisy Spike-Train Reconstruction: a Singularity Theory Point of View”, J. Singul., 18 (2018), 409–426
Dmitry Batenkov, Yosef Yomdin, “On the Accuracy of Solving Confluent Prony Systems”, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 73:1 (2013), 134
Kostov, VP, “On multiplier sequences”, Theoretical Computer Science, 392:1–3 (2008), 101
Julius Borcea, “Convexity Properties of Twisted Root Maps”, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 38:3 (2008)
В. П. Костов, “Конфигурации корней для гиперболических многочленов степени 3, 4 и 5”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 36:4 (2002), 71–74
; V. P. Kostov, “Root Configurations for Hyperbolic Polynomials of Degree 3, 4, and 5”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 36:4 (2002), 311–314
Gisli Màsson, Boris Shapiro, “On Polynomial Eigenfunctions of a Hypergeometric-Type Operator”, Experimental Mathematics, 10:4 (2001), 609