93 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa1244
V. S. Samovol, “Polynomial normal form and finitely smooth equivalence of autonomous systems with one zero eigenvalue”, Dokl. Math., 81:3 (2010), 351
Giovanna Carnovale, “A classification of spherical conjugacy classes in good characteristic”, Pacific J. Math., 245:1 (2010), 25
W. Ethan Duckworth, “A classification of certain finite double coset collections in the exceptional groups”, Journal of Group Theory, 13:5 (2010)
Ivan Losev, “On fibers of algebraic invariant moment maps”, Transformation Groups, 14:4 (2009), 887
Russell Fowler, Gerhard Röhrle, “Spherical nilpotent orbits in positive characteristic”, Pacific J. Math., 237:2 (2008), 241
Y S Lee, A F Vakakis, L A Bergman, D M McFarland, G Kerschen, F Nucera, S Tsakirtzis, P N Panagopoulos, “Passive non-linear targeted energy transfer and its applications to vibration absorption: A review”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 222:2 (2008), 77
Giovanna Carnovale, “Spherical conjugacy classes and involutions in the Weyl group”, Math. Z., 260:1 (2008), 1
Е. В. Шаройко, “О конечности числа орбит на квазиоднородных $(\mathbb C^*)^k\times SL_2(\mathbb C)$-многообразиях”, Матем. заметки, 81:5 (2007), 766–775
; E. V. Sharoiko, “On the Finiteness of the Number of Orbits on Quasihomogeneous $(\mathbb C^*)^k\times SL_2(\mathbb C)$-manifolds”, Math. Notes, 81:5 (2007), 686–694
Simon M. Goodwin, Lutz Hille, Gerhard Röhrle, “The orbit structure of Dynkin curves”, Math. Z., 257:2 (2007), 439
Yiannis Sakellaridis, “A Casselman–Shalika Formula for the Shalika Model of GLn”, Can. j. math., 58:5 (2006), 1095