172 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/faa1129
Klein, C, “Ernst equation, Fay identities and variational formulas on hyperelliptic curves”, Mathematical Research Letters, 9:1 (2002), 27
Tamara Grava, “Riemann‐Hilbert problem for the small dispersion limit of the KdV equation and linear overdetermined systems of Euler‐Poisson‐Darboux type”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 55:4 (2002), 395
Tamara Grava, Fei‐Ran Tian, “The generation, propagation, and extinction of multiphases in the KdV zero‐dispersion limit”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 55:12 (2002), 1569
P. Zinn-Justin, “HCIZ integral and 2D Toda lattice hierarchy”, Nuclear Physics B, 634:3 (2002), 417
А. В. Забродин, “Бездисперсионный предел уравнений Хироты в некоторых задачах комплексного анализа”, ТМФ, 129:2 (2001), 239–257
; A. V. Zabrodin, “Dispersionless Limit of Hirota Equations in Some Problems of Complex Analysis”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 129:2 (2001), 1511–1525
Gennady A. El, Alexander L. Krylov, Stephanos Venakides, “Unified approach to KdV modulations”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 54:10 (2001), 1243
T. Grava, “Asymptotic Solutions of the Whitham Equations”, JNMP, 8:Supplement (2001), 128
M. Mineev-Weinstein, A. Zabrodin, “WhithamToda Hierarchy in the Laplacian Growth Problem”, JNMP, 8:Supplement (2001), 212
A.S. Gorsky, “Renormalization group on the phase and the gamma functions for the generic Hamiltonian systems”, Physics Letters B, 498:3-4 (2001), 211
Т. Грава, “Существование глобального решения уравнения Уизема”, ТМФ, 122:1 (2000), 58–71
; T. Grava, “Existence of a global solution of the Whitham equations”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 122:1 (2000), 46–57