25 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/emj42
N. Samko, “Commutators With Coefficients in Cmo of Weighted Hardy Operators in Generalized Local Morrey Spaces”, Mediterr. J. Math., 14:2 (2017)
N. Bokayev, V. Burenkov, D. Matin, “Sufficient Conditions For the Pre-Compactness of Sets in Global Morrey-Type Spaces”, International Conference Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications FAIA 2017, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. T. Kalmenov, M. Sadybekov, Amer Inst Physics, 2017, UNSP 030001
H Amjad, A. Mudassar, “Weak and Strong Type Estimates For the Commutators of Hausdorff Operators”, Math. Inequal. Appl., 20:1 (2017), 49–56
Ts. Batbold, Y. Sawano, “Sharp Bounds For M-Linear Hilbert-Type Operators on the Weighted Morrey Spaces”, Math. Inequal. Appl., 20:1 (2017), 263–283
В. И. Буренков, Т. В. Тарарыкова, “Аналог неравенства Юнга для сверток функций для общих пространств типа Морри”, Функциональные пространства, теория приближений, смежные разделы математического анализа, Сборник статей. К 110-летию со дня рождения академика Сергея Михайловича Никольского, Труды МИАН, 293, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2016, 113–132 ; V. I. Burenkov, T. V. Tararykova, “An analog of Young's inequality for convolutions of functions for general Morrey-type spaces”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 293 (2016), 107–126
Д. В. Прохоров, В. Д. Степанов, “Весовые неравенства для квазилинейных интегральных операторов на полуоси и приложения к пространствам Лоренца”, Матем. сб., 207:8 (2016), 135–162 ; D. V. Prokhorov, V. D. Stepanov, “Weighted inequalities for quasilinear integral operators on the semi-axis and applications to Lorentz spaces”, Sb. Math., 207:8 (2016), 1159–1186
N. A. Bokayev, V. I. Burenkov, D. T. Matin, “Sufficient conditions for pre-compactness of sets in the generalized Morrey spaces”, Bull. Karaganda Univ-Math., 84:4 (2016), 18–26
V. I. Burenkov, N. A. Kydyrmina, “Sobolev embedding theorem for the Sobolev-Morrey spaces”, Bull. Karaganda Univ-Math., 83:3 (2016), 32–40
V. I. Burenkov, T. V. Tararykova, “Young’s inequality for convolutions in Morrey-type spaces”, Eurasian Math. J., 7:2 (2016), 92–99
Mustafayev R.Ch. Unver T., “Embeddings Between Weighted Local Morrey-Type Spaces and Weighted Lebesgue Spaces”, J. Math. Inequal., 9:1 (2015), 277–296