40 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/de11011
  1. Vasily E. Tarasov, “Discrete maps with distributed memory fading parameter”, Comp. Appl. Math., 43:3 (2024)  crossref
  2. Arsen Pskhu, “Cauchy Problem for Ordinary Differential Equations of Distributed Order”, J Math Sci, 281:6 (2024), 898  crossref
  3. Ж. А. Балкизов, “Внутреннекраевая задача со смещением для смешанно-гиперболического уравнения второго порядка”, Доклады АМАН, 23:1 (2023), 11–19  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib
  4. Ж. А. Балкизов, “Нелокальные задачи со смещением на сопряжение двух уравнений гиперболического типа второго порядка”, Уфимск. матем. журн., 15:2 (2023), 9–19  mathnet; Zh. A. Balkizov, “Nonlocal problems with displacement for matching two second order hyperbolic equations”, Ufa Math. J., 15:2 (2023), 9–19  crossref
  5. Vladimir E. Fedorov, Nikolay V. Filin, “A Class of Quasilinear Equations with Distributed Gerasimov–Caputo Derivatives”, Mathematics, 11:11 (2023), 2472  crossref
  6. Saeed Ahmad, Sedat Pak, Mati ur Rahman, Afrah Al-Bossly, “On the Analysis of a Fractional Tuberculosis Model with the Effect of an Imperfect Vaccine and Exogenous Factors under the Mittag–Leffler Kernel”, Fractal Fract, 7:7 (2023), 526  crossref
  7. Arsen Pskhu, “Transmutation operators intertwining first-order and distributed-order derivatives”, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex., 29:3 (2023)  crossref
  8. Vladimir E. Fedorov, Wei-Shih Du, Marko Kostić, Aliya A. Abdrakhmanova, “Analytic Resolving Families for Equations with Distributed Riemann–Liouville Derivatives”, Mathematics, 10:5 (2022), 681  crossref
  9. Sergey M. Sitnik, Vladimir E. Fedorov, Nikolay V. Filin, Viktor A. Polunin, “On the Solvability of Equations with a Distributed Fractional Derivative Given by the Stieltjes Integral”, Mathematics, 10:16 (2022), 2979  crossref
  10. B. I. Efendiev, “Problem with Sturm Type Conditions for a Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation with a Distributed Differentiation Operator”, Diff Equat, 58:12 (2022), 1579  crossref