9 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/comal1
V. G. Bardakov, O. V. Bryukhanov, M. V. Neshchadim, “On residual nilpotence of group extensions”, Int. J. Algebra Comput., 33:08 (2023), 1617
Valeriy Bardakov, Ivan Emel'yanenkov, Maxim Ivanov, Tatyana Kozlovskaya, Timur Nasybullov, Andrei Vesnin, “Virtual and universal braid groups, their quotients and representations”, Journal of Group Theory, 2022
Eylem Güzel Karpuz, Nurten Urlu Özalan, “Word problem for special braid groups”, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 43:7 (2020), 931
Valeriy G. Bardakov, Jie Wu, “On virtual cabling and a structure of 4-strand virtual pure braid group”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29:10 (2020), 2042002
Valeriy G. Bardakov, Tatyana A. Kozlovskaya, “On 3-strand singular pure braid group”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29:10 (2020), 2042001
Alexander I. Suciu, He Wang, “Pure virtual braids, resonance, and formality”, Math. Z., 286:3-4 (2017), 1495
Alexander I. Suciu, He Wang, Springer INdAM Series, 19, Perspectives in Lie Theory, 2017, 403
В. Г. Бардаков, М. В. Нещадим, “Подгруппы, автоморфизмы и алгебры Ли, связанные с группой сопрягающих базис автоморфизмов”, Алгебра и логика, 55:6 (2016), 670–703 ; V. G. Bardakov, M. V. Neshchadim, “Subgroups, automorphisms, and Lie algebras related to the basis-conjugating automorphism group”, Algebra and Logic, 55:6 (2017), 436–460
S. Kim, V. O. Manturov, “On groups Gnk, braids and Brunnian braids”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 25:13 (2016), 1650078