4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/cmfd237
Lyudmila S. Efremova, “$C^1$-Smooth $\Omega$-Stable Skew Products and Completely Geometrically Integrable Self-Maps of 3D-Tori, I: $\Omega$-Stability”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 29:3 (2024), 491–514
L. S. Efremova, “Simplest Skew Products on $\boldsymbol{n}$-Dimensional ($\boldsymbol{n\geq 2}$) Cells, Cylinders and Tori”, Lobachevskii J Math, 43:7 (2022), 1598
Л. С. Ефремова, “Динамика косых произведений отображений интервала”, УМН, 72:1(433) (2017), 107–192 ; L. S. Efremova, “Dynamics of skew products of interval maps”, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:1 (2017), 101–178
Л. С. Ефремова, В. Ж. Сакбаев, “Понятие взрыва множества решений дифференциальных уравнений и усреднение случайных полугрупп”, ТМФ, 185:2 (2015), 252–271 ; L. S. Efremova, V. Zh. Sakbaev, “Notion of blowup of the solution set of differential equations and averaging of random semigroups”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 185:2 (2015), 1582–1598