30 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/bms1
  1. Yanqi Qiu, Kai Wang, “Rigidity of determinantal point processes on the unit disc with sub-Bergman kernels”, Isr. J. Math., 245:1 (2021), 389  crossref
  2. Marco Stevens, “Equivalent symmetric kernels of determinantal point processes”, Random Matrices: Theory Appl., 10:03 (2021), 2150027  crossref
  3. Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre, “Semigroups for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with multiplicative Gaussian noise”, Electron. J. Probab., 26:none (2021)  crossref
  4. Kartick Adhikari, Subhroshekhar Ghosh, Joel L. Lebowitz, “Fluctuation and entropy in spectrally constrained random fields”, Commun. Math. Phys., 386:2 (2021), 749  crossref
  5. Leslie D. Molag, Marco Stevens, “Universality for conditional measures of the Bessel point process”, Random Matrices: Theory Appl., 10:01 (2021), 2150012  crossref
  6. Subhroshekhar Ghosh, Manjunath Krishnapur, “Rigidity Hierarchy in Random Point Fields: Random Polynomials and Determinantal Processes”, Commun. Math. Phys., 388:3 (2021), 1205  crossref
  7. А. И. Буфетов, “Условные меры детерминантных точечных процессов”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 54:1 (2020), 11–28  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; A. I. Bufetov, “Conditional measures of determinantal point processes”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 54:1 (2020), 7–20  mathnet  crossref
  8. Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre, Promit Ghosal, Yuchen Liao, “Spectral Rigidity of Random Schrödinger Operators via Feynman–Kac Formulas”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 21:7 (2020), 2259  crossref
  9. Arno B.J. Kuijlaars, Erwin Miña-Díaz, “Universality for conditional measures of the sine point process”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 243 (2019), 1  crossref
  10. Yanqi Qiu, “Rigid stationary determinantal processes in non-Archimedean fields”, Bernoulli, 25:1 (2019)  crossref