31 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at9532
А. С. Матвеев, А. Л. Фрадков, А. И. Шепелявый, “Очерк истории научной школы В.А. Якубовича”, Автомат. и телемех., 2023, № 9, 3–36
; A. S. Matveev, A. L. Fradkov, A. I. Shepeljavyi, “A historical essay on the scientific school of V.A. Yakubovich”, Autom. Remote Control, 84:9 (2023), 1017–1040
Shalymov D., Granichin O., Ivanskiy Yu., Volkovich Z., “Multiagent Control of Airplane Wing Stability With “Feathers” Under the Flexural Torsional Flutter”, Mathematics, 10:2 (2022), 236
Б. Р. Андриевский, А. Л. Фрадков, “Метод скоростного градиента и его приложения”, Автомат. и телемех., 2021, № 9, 3–72
; B. R. Andrievsky, A. L. Fradkov, “Speed gradient method and its applications”, Autom. Remote Control, 82:9 (2021), 1463–1518
Semenov D.M. Fradkov A.L., “Adaptive Synchronization in the Complex Heterogeneous Networks of Hindmarsh-Rose Neurons”, Chaos Solitons Fractals, 150 (2021), 111170
Annaswamy A.M. Fradkov A.L., “A Historical Perspective of Adaptive Control and Learning”, Annu. Rev. Control, 52 (2021), 18–41
Boffi N.M., Slotine J.-J.E., “Implicit Regularization and Momentum Algorithms in Nonlinearly Parameterized Adaptive Control and Prediction”, Neural Comput., 33:3 (2021), 590–673
Dolgopolik V M., Fradkov A.L., “Finite-Differential Nonsmooth Speed-Gradient Control: Stability, Passivity, Robustness”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 59:2 (2021), 1370–1392
И. Б. Фуртат, “Дивергентные условия устойчивости динамических систем”, Автомат. и телемех., 2020, № 2, 62–75
; I. B. Furtat, “Divergent stability conditions of dynamic systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 81:2 (2020), 247–257
Б. Р. Андриевский, И. Б. Фуртат, “Наблюдатели возмущений: методы и приложения. Часть 2. Приложения”, Автомат. и телемех., 2020, № 10, 35–91
; B. R. Andrievsky, I. B. Furtat, “Disturbance observers: methods and applications. II. Applications”, Autom. Remote Control, 81:10 (2020), 1775–1818
Andrievsky B. Kudryashova V E. Kuznetsov V N. Kuznetsova O.A., “Aircraft Wing Rock Oscillations Suppression By Simple Adaptive Control”, Aerosp. Sci. Technol., 105 (2020), 106049