4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at943
Ismoil Safarov, Мuhsin Теshaev, Sharifboy Axmedov, Doniyor Rayimov, Farhod Homidov, D. Bazarov, “Manometric Tubular Springs Oscillatory Processes Modeling with Consideration of its Viscoelastic Properties”, E3S Web Conf., 264 (2021), 01010
Muravey L.A. Petrov V.M. Romanenkov A.M., “The Problem of Damping the Transverse Oscillations on a Longitudinally Moving String”, Mordovia Univ. Bull., 28:4 (2018), 472–485
Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan, “Generalized control with compact support of wave equation with variable coefficients”, Int. J. Dynam. Control, 4:4 (2016), 447
А. Ю. Попов, “Минимизация интеграла от модуля второй производной граничного управления колебаниями струны с закрепленным концом”, Автомат. и телемех., 2007, № 2, 127–137
; A. Yu. Popov, “Integral minimization of the second derivative module of the boundary control of string vibrations with the fixed end”, Autom. Remote Control, 68:2 (2007), 327–336