15 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at8232
Annaswamy A.M. Fradkov A.L., “A Historical Perspective of Adaptive Control and Learning”, Annu. Rev. Control, 52 (2021), 18–41
Andrievsky B. Kudryashova V E. Kuznetsov V N. Kuznetsova O.A., “Aircraft Wing Rock Oscillations Suppression By Simple Adaptive Control”, Aerosp. Sci. Technol., 105 (2020), 106049
Andrievsky B. Pogromsky A.Y. Plotnikov S.A., “Speed-Gradient Method in Adaptive Control and Identification. Historical Overview”, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, 53:2 (2020), 1367–1372
Н. О. Амелина, О. Н. Граничин, А. Л. Фрадков, “Метод усредненных моделей для дискретных адаптивных систем”, Автомат. и телемех., 2019, № 10, 3–36
; N. O. Amelina, O. N. Granichin, A. L. Fradkov, “The method of averaged models for discrete-time adaptive systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 80:10 (2019), 1755–1782
О. Н. Граничин, В. А. Ерофеева, “Циклическая стохастическая аппроксимация с возмущением на входе в задаче отслеживания параметров на основе мультиагентного алгоритма”, Автомат. и телемех., 2018, № 6, 69–86
; O. N. Granichin, V. A. Erofeeva, “Cyclic stochastic approximation with disturbance on input in the parameter tracking problem based on a multiagent algorithm”, Autom. Remote Control, 79:6 (2018), 1013–1028
Tomashevich S.I. Fradkov A.L. Andrievsky B. Belyavskyi A.O. Amelin K., “Simple Adaptive Control of Quadrotor Attitude. Algorithms and Experimental Results”, 2017 25Th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (Med), Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, IEEE, 2017, 933–938
Fradkov A.L. Andrievsky B. Ananyevskiy M.S., “Passification Based Synchronization of Nonlinear Systems Under Communication Constraints and Bounded Disturbances”, Automatica, 55 (2015), 287–293
Amelina N. Fradkov A. Jiang Yu. Vergados D.J., “Approximate Consensus in Stochastic Networks With Application To Load Balancing”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 61:4 (2015), 1739–1752
Selivanov A. Fradkov A. Fridman E., “Passification-Based Decentralized Adaptive Synchronization of Dynamical Networks With Time-Varying Delays”, J. Frankl. Inst.-Eng. Appl. Math., 352:1 (2015), 52–72
Barkana I. Fradkov A.L., “Simple and Robust Adaptive Control”, Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., 28:7-8, SI (2014), 563–566