22 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at71
А. С. Смирнов, Б. А. Смольников, “История механического резонанса – от первоначальных исследований до авторезонанса”, Чебышевский сб., 23:1 (2022), 269–292
Melnyk A., Pitti A., “Synergistic Control of a Multi-Segments Vertebral Column Robot Based on Tensegrity For Postural Balance”, Adv. Robot., 32:15, SI (2018), 850–864
О. Н. Граничин, Т. А. Хантулева, “Адаптация элементов крыла (“перьев”) самолета в турбулентном потоке с помощью мультиагентного протокола”, Автомат. и телемех., 2017, № 10, 168–188
; O. N. Granichin, T. A. Khantuleva, “Adapting wing elements (“feathers”) of an airplane in a turbulent flow with a multiagent protocol”, Autom. Remote Control, 78:10 (2017), 1867–1882
Volkova V.N., Kozlov V.N., Karlik A.E., Iakovleva E.A., “The Impact of Nbic-Technology Development on Engineering and Management Personnel Training”, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Vi Forum Strategic Partnership of Universities and Enterprises of Hi-Tech Branches (Science. Education. Innovations) (Spue), IEEE, 2017, 51–54
Б. Р. Андриевский, А. Л. Фрадков, “Метод пассификации в задачах синхронизации и оценивания состояния нелинейных систем по цифровому каналу связи”, УБС, 35 (2011), 20–58
Pitti A., Niiyama R., Kuniyoshi Ya., “Creating and Modulating Rhythms by Controlling the Physics of the Body”, Auton. Robot., 28:3, SI (2010), 317–329
Efimov D.V., Fradkov A.L., “Oscillatority of Nonlinear Systems with Static Feedback”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 48:2 (2009), 618–640
Andrievsky B., Fradkov A.L., “Behavior Analysis of Harmonically Forced Chain of Pendulums”, 2009 IEEE Control Applications CCA & Intelligent Control (ISIC), Vols 1-3, IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, IEEE, 2009, 1563–1567
Altenbach H., Brigadnov I.A., Eremeyev V.A., “Oscillations of a Magneto-Sensitive Elastic Sphere”, ZAMM-Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 88:6 (2008), 497–506
Fradkov A.L., Andrievsky B., “Synchronization and Phase Relations in the Motion of Two-Pendulum System”, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 42:6 (2007), 895–901