7 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at617
  1. V. I. Korzyuk, J. V. Rudzko, “Classical solution to mixed problems from the theory of longitudinal impact on an elastic semi-infinite rod in the case of separation of the impacting body after the collision”, Vescì Akademìì navuk Belarusì. Seryâ fizika-matematyčnyh navuk, 60:2 (2024), 95  crossref
  2. Jamila Asadova, 2023 5th International Conference on Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics (PCI), 2023, 1  crossref
  3. Muravey L.A., Petrov V.M., Romanenkov A.M., “The Problem of Damping the Transverse Oscillations on a Longitudinally Moving String”, Mordovia Univ. Bull., 28:4 (2018), 472–485  crossref  isi
  4. Nurgisa Yessirkegenov, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1789, 2016, 040006  crossref
  5. Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan, “Generalized control with compact support of wave equation with variable coefficients”, Int. J. Dynam. Control, 4:4 (2016), 447  crossref
  6. Nurgissa Yessirkegenov, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020149  crossref
  7. Романовский Р.К., Чурашева Н.Г., “Оптимальное граничное управление гиперболической системой уравнений теплопроводности”, Доклады академии наук, 446:2 (2012), 138–138  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Romanovskii R.K., Churasheva N.G., “Optimal Boundary Control of a Hyperbolic System of Heat Equations”, Dokl. Math., 86:2 (2012), 622–625  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus