44 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at2256
  1. V. Lazarev, 2020 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon), 2020, 1  crossref
  2. Liu Zh., Stoorvogel A.A., Saberi A., Nojavanzadeh D., “Squared-Down Passivity-Based State Synchronization of Homogeneous Continuous-Time Multiagent Systems Via Static Protocol in the Presence of Time-Varying Topology”, Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 29:12 (2019), 3821–3840  crossref  isi
  3. Zhang M., Saberi A., Stoorvogel A.A., Liu Zh., “State Synchronization of a Class of Homogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Unknown Input Delays Via Static Protocols”, Eur. J. Control, 47 (2019), 20–29  crossref  isi
  4. Stoorvogel A.A., Saberi A., Liu Zh., Nojavanzadeh D., “H-2 and H-Infinity Almost Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems With Passive Agents and Partial-State Coupling Via Static Protocol”, Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 29:17 (2019), 6244–6255  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
  5. Liu Zh., Zhang M., Saberi A., Stoorvogel A.A., “Passivity Based State Synchronization of Homogeneous Discrete-Time Multi-Agent Systems Via Static Protocol in the Presence of Input Delay”, Eur. J. Control, 41 (2018), 16–24  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  6. Б. Р. Андриевский, А. А. Селиванов, “Новые результаты по применению метода пассификации. Обзор”, Автомат. и телемех., 2018, № 6, 3–48  mathnet; B. R. Andrievskii, A. A. Selivanov, “New results on the application of the passification method. A survey”, Autom. Remote Control, 79:6 (2018), 957–995  crossref  isi  elib
  7. А. В. Проскурников, А. С. Матвеев, “Критерии Цыпкина и Джури–Ли синхронизации и устойчивости дискретных многоагентных систем”, Автомат. и телемех., 2018, № 6, 119–139  mathnet; A. V. Proskurnikov, A. S. Matveev, “Tsypkin and Jury–Lee criteria for synchronization and stability of discrete-time multiagent systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 79:6 (2018), 1057–1073  crossref  isi  elib
  8. Stoorvogel A.A., Nojavanzadeh D., Liu Zh., Saberi A., “Squared-Down Passivity Based H-Infinity Almost Synchronization of Homogeneous Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems With Partial-State Coupling Via Static Protocol”, 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cdc), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 2018, 2508–2513  isi
  9. Medvedev M., Lazarev V., Kulchenko A., Zhakov A., 2018 Global Smart Industry Conference (Glosic), IEEE, 2018  isi
  10. Tomashevich S. Andrievsky B., “Adaptive Control of Quadrotors Spatial Motion in Formation With Implicit Reference Model”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2046, ed. Sivasundaram S., Amer Inst Physics, 2018, UNSP 020103  crossref  isi