219 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at1873
Luigi D'Alfonso, Giuseppe Fedele, Paolo Pugliese, “Robust output tracking, disturbance attenuation and synchronization for a class of Lur'e systems: a high-gain, fractional-order control approach”, Nonlinear Dyn, 112:2 (2024), 1011
Bojana M Zlatkovic, Biljana Samardzic, “Probability of stability calculation of MIMOn cascade non-linear systems with random parameters”, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 2024
Zh. T. Zhusubaliyev, D. V. Titov, O. O. Yanochkina, U. A. Sopuev, “On Border-Collision Bifurcations in a Pulse System”, Autom Remote Control, 85:2 (2024), 103
Ж. Т. Жусубалиев, Д. В. Титов, О. О. Яночкина, У. А. Сопуев, “О бифуркациях граничного столкновения в импульсной системе”, Автомат. и телемех., 2024, № 2, 21–45
Chuanfu Wang, Zhicheng Lv, Chao Pan, Qun Ding, 2024 3rd International Joint Conference on Information and Communication Engineering (JCICE), 2024, 33
А. С. Матвеев, А. Л. Фрадков, А. И. Шепелявый, “Очерк истории научной школы В.А. Якубовича”, Автомат. и телемех., 2023, № 9, 3–36
; A. S. Matveev, A. L. Fradkov, A. I. Shepeljavyi, “A historical essay on the scientific school of V.A. Yakubovich”, Autom. Remote Control, 84:9 (2023), 1017–1040
Hijab ur Rehman, Muhammad Shuaib, Emad A.A. Ismail, Shuo Li, “Enhancing medical ultrasound imaging through fractional mathematical modeling of ultrasound bubble dynamics”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 100 (2023), 106603
A. S. Matveev, A. L. Fradkov, A. I. Shepeljavyi, “A Historical Essay on the Scientific School of V.A. Yakubovich”, Autom Remote Control, 84:9 (2023), 905
Cédric Noufozo Talonang, Alain Soup Tewa Kammogne, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin, “Phase synchronization of Wien bridge oscillator-based Josephson junction connected by hybrid synapse”, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 77:12 (2022), 1175
Essia ADDED, Hassène GRİTLİ, Safya BELGHİTH, “Occurrence of Complex Behaviors in the Uncontrolled Passive Compass Biped Model”, Chaos Theory and Applications, 4:4 (2022), 246