8 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/anst1
  1. A. N. Elmurodov, A. I. Sotvoldiyev, “A Diffusive Leslie–Gower Type Predator–Prey Model with Two Different Free Boundaries”, Lobachevskii J Math, 44:10 (2023), 4254  crossref
  2. Eiji Yanagida, “Blow-up of sign-changing solutions for a one-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equation”, Nonlinear Analysis, 185 (2019), 193  crossref
  3. Bayan Bekbolat, Aidyn Kassymov, Niyaz Tokmagambetov, “Blow-up of Solutions of Nonlinear Heat Equation with Hypoelliptic Operators on Graded Lie Groups”, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 13:7 (2019), 3347  crossref
  4. Raj Narayan Dhara, “On solvability of nonlinear eigenvalue problems for degenerate PDEs of elliptic type”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 63:4 (2018), 501  crossref
  5. Я. Ш. Ильясов, “О кривой критических показателей для нелинейных эллиптических уравнений в случае нулевой массы”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 57:3 (2017), 491–509  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; Ya. Sh. Il'yasov, “On the curve of critical exponents for nonlinear elliptic problems in the case of a zero mass”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:3 (2017), 497–514  mathnet  crossref
  6. A. A. Kosov, E. I. Semenov, “Reduction and construction of exact solutions for a nonlinear system of the parabolic type”, Diff Equat, 52:4 (2016), 483  crossref
  7. А. А. Косов, Э. И. Семёнов, “Многомерные точные решения одной нелинейной системы двух уравнений параболического типа”, Сиб. матем. журн., 56:4 (2015), 805–820  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; A. A. Kosov, E. I. Semenov, “Multidimensional exact solutions of a nonlinear system of two parabolic equations”, Siberian Math. J., 56:4 (2015), 637–649  mathnet  crossref
  8. A. A. Kosov, E. I. Semenov, “Reduction, exact solutions, and control design for a certain nonlinear system of parabolic type”, Dokl. Math., 91:1 (2015), 121  crossref