109 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/al201
Alexander Kartzow, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7318, How the World Computes, 2012, 363
С. С. Гончаров, “Степени автоустойчивости относительно сильных конструктивизаций”, Алгоритмические вопросы алгебры и логики, Сборник статей. К 80-летию со дня рождения академика Сергея Ивановича Адяна, Труды МИАН, 274, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2011, 119–129
; S. S. Goncharov, “Degrees of autostability relative to strong constructivizations”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 274 (2011), 105–115
Дж. Карсон, Е. Фокина, В. Харизанова, Дж. Ф. Найт, С. Куинн, К. Сафрански, Дж. Воллбаум, “Вычислимая проблема вложимости”, Алгебра и логика, 50:6 (2011), 707–732
; J. Carson, E. Fokina, V. S. Harizanov, J. F. Knight, S. Quinn, C. Safranski, J. Wallbaum, “The computable embedding problem”, Algebra and Logic, 50:6 (2012), 478–493
Kuske D., Liu J., Lohrey M., “The Isomorphism Problem On Classes of Automatic Structures”, 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2010), IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 2010, 160–169
Kuske D., Liu J., Lohrey M., “The Isomorphism Problem for omega-Automatic Trees”, Computer Science Logic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6247, 2010, 396–410
Melnikov A.G., “Computable Ordered Abelian Groups and Fields”, Programs, Proofs, Processes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6158, 2010, 321–330
Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey, 2010 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 2010, 160
Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Mia Minnes, Logic Colloquium 2007, 2010, 132
Khoussainov B., Minnes M., “Model-theoretic complexity of automatic structures”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 161:3 (2009), 416–426
Fokina E.B., “Index sets for some classes of structures”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 157:2–3 (2009), 139–147