37 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ajm1
Oksana Bezushchak, Anatoliy Petravchuk, Efim Zelmanov, “Automorphisms and derivations of affine commutative and PI-algebras”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 377:2 (2023), 1335
А. С. Голота, “Свойство Жордана для групп бимероморфных автоморфизмов компактных кэлеровых пространств размерности 3”, Матем. сб., 214:1 (2023), 31–42
; A. S. Golota, “Jordan property for groups of bimeromorphic automorphisms of compact Kähler threefolds”, Sb. Math., 214:1 (2023), 28–38
Fedor Bogomolov, Nikon Kurnosov, Alexandra Kuznetsova, Egor Yasinsky, “Geometry and Automorphisms of Non-Kähler Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022:16 (2022), 12302
А. В. Пухликов, “Бирациональная геометрия многообразий, расслоенных на полные пересечения коразмерности два”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 86:2 (2022), 128–212
; A. V. Pukhlikov, “Birational geometry of varieties fibred into complete intersections of codimension two”, Izv. Math., 86:2 (2022), 334–411
WonTae Hwang, “Jordan constants of quaternion algebras over number fields and simple abelian surfaces over fields of positive characteristic”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 295:3 (2022), 560
Marta Pieropan, “On rationally connected varieties over C1 fields
of characteristic 0”, Alg. Number Th., 16:8 (2022), 1811
Egor Yasinsky, “Automorphisms of real del Pezzo surfaces and the real plane Cremona group”, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 72:2 (2022), 831
Lukas Braun, Stefano Filipazzi, Joaquín Moraga, Roberto Svaldi, “The Jordan property for local fundamental groups”, Geom. Topol., 26:1 (2022), 283
Konstantin Loginov, “A note on 3-subgroups in the space Cremona group”, Comm. Algebra, 50:9 (2022), 3704–3714
А. В. Пухликов, “Эффективные результаты в теории бирациональной жесткости”, УМН, 77:2 (2022), 123–182
; A. V. Pukhlikov, “Effective results in the theory of birational rigidity”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:2 (2022), 301–354