10 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aap2
M. Peigné, C. Pham, “The survival probability of a weakly subcritical multitype branching process in iid random environment”, Electron. J. Probab., 29:none (2024)
Ion Grama, Quansheng Liu, Erwan Pin, “A Kesten–Stigum type theorem for a supercritical multitype branching process in a random environment”, Ann. Appl. Probab., 33:2 (2023)
Benedikt Stufler, “Rerooting Multi-type Branching Trees: The Infinite Spine Case”, J Theor Probab, 35:2 (2022), 653
Iuliia Makarova, Daria Balashova, Stanislav Molchanov, Elena Yarovaya, “Branching Random Walks with Two Types of Particles on Multidimensional Lattices”, Mathematics, 10:6 (2022), 867
Yanqing Wang, Quansheng Liu, “Asymptotic Properties of a Supercritical Branching Process with Immigration in a Random Environment”, Stochastics and Quality Control, 36:2 (2021), 145
В. А. Ватутин, Е. Е. Дьяконова, “Многотипные ветвящиеся процессы в случайной среде”, УМН, 76:6 (2021), 71–118
; V. A. Vatutin, E. E. Dyakonova, “Multitype branching processes in random environment”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:6 (2021), 1019–1063
В. А. Ватутин, Е. Е. Дьяконова, “Вероятность невырождения для одного класса
многотипных докритических ветвящихся процессов в случайной среде”, Матем. заметки, 107:2 (2020), 163–177
; V. A. Vatutin, E. E. D'yakonova, “The Survival Probability for a Class of Multitype Subcritical Branching Processes in Random Environment”, Math. Notes, 107:2 (2020), 189–200
В. А. Ватутин, Е. Е. Дьяконова, “Свойства многотипных докритических ветвящихся процессов в случайной среде”, Дискрет. матем., 32:3 (2020), 3–23
; V. A. Vatutin, E. E. D'yakonova, “Properties of multitype subcritical branching processes in random environment”, Discrete Math. Appl., 31:5 (2021), 367–382
Yuming Qin, Xiangqi Zheng, “Stochastic equations and ergodicity for two‐type continuous‐state branching processes with immigration in Lévy random environments”, Math Methods in App Sciences, 43:15 (2020), 8363
V. A. Vatutin, E. E. Dyakonova, “Branching processes in random environment with sibling dependence”, J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.), 246:4 (2020), 569–579