23 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aa592
Bothner T., “On the Origins of Riemann-Hilbert Problems in Mathematics”, Nonlinearity, 34:4 (2021), R1–R73
А. В. Домрин, Б. И. Сулейманов, М. А. Шумкин, “О глобальной мероморфности решений уравнений Пенлеве и их иерархий”, Анализ и математическая физика, Сборник статей. К 70-летию со дня рождения профессора Армена Глебовича Сергеева, Труды МИАН, 311, МИАН, М., 2020, 106–122 ; A. V. Domrin, B. I. Suleimanov, M. A. Shumkin, “Global Meromorphy of Solutions of the Painlevé Equations and Their Hierarchies”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 311 (2020), 98–113
Bothner T., Its A., Prokhorov A., “On the Analysis of Incomplete Spectra in Random Matrix Theory Through An Extension of the Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno Differential”, Adv. Math., 345 (2019), 483–551
Hu W., “Singular Asymptotics For Solutions of the Inhomogeneous Painleve II Equation”, Nonlinearity, 32:10 (2019), 3843–3872
Desiraju H., “The Tau-Function of the Ablowitz-Segur Family of Solutions to Painleve II as a Widom Constant”, J. Math. Phys., 60:11 (2019), 113505
Its A.R., Lisovyy O., Prokhorov A., “Monodromy Dependence and Connection Formulae For Isomonodromic Tau Functions”, Duke Math. J., 167:7 (2018), 1347–1432
Bothner T., “Transition asymptotics for the Painlevé II transcendent”, Duke Math. J., 166:2 (2017), 205–324
Guest M.A., Hertling C., “Painlevé III: a Case Study in the Geometry of Meromorphic Connections Preface”: Guest, MA Hertling, C, Painleve III: a Case Study in the Geometry of Meromorphic Connections, Lect. Notes Math., Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2198, Springer International Publishing Ag, 2017, V+
К. Митчи, “Некоторые приложения параметрической теории Пикара–Вессио”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 80:1 (2016), 177–200 ; C. Mitschi, “Some applications of parameterized Picard–Vessiot theory”, Izv. Math., 80:1 (2016), 167–188
Bothner T., Liechty K., “Tail Decay for the Distribution of the Endpoint of a Directed Polymer”, Nonlinearity, 26:5 (2013), 1449–1472