3 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aa1015
Dutertre, N, “SEMI-ALGEBRAIC NEIGHBORHOODS OF CLOSED SEMI-ALGEBRAIC SETS”, Annales de l Institut Fourier, 59:1 (2009), 429
А. И. Дегтярев, В. М. Харламов, “Топологические свойства вещественных алгебраических многообразий:
du côté de chez Rokhlin”, УМН, 55:4(334) (2000), 129–212 ; A. I. Degtyarev, V. M. Kharlamov, “Topological properties of real algebraic varieties: du coté de chez Rokhlin”, Russian Math. Surveys, 55:4 (2000), 735–814
Itenberg I., Shustin E., “Singular points and limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields”, Duke Mathematical Journal, 102:1 (2000), 1–37