43 citations to 10.1090/surv/220 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Boris Semenovich Darkhovsky, “О сложности и размерности непрерывных конечномерных отображений”, Теория вероятностей и ее применения, 65, № 3, 2020, 479  crossref
  2. Douglas Cenzer, Christopher P. Porter, “Randomness extraction in computability theory”, COM, 12, № 1, 2023, 1  crossref
  3. Verónica Becher, Olivier Carton, Pablo Ariel Heiber, “Finite-State Independence”, Theory Comput Syst, 62, № 7, 2018, 1555  crossref
  4. Boris Darkhovsky, Alexandra Piryatinska, “Model‐free offline change‐point detection in multidimensional time series of arbitrary nature via ϵ‐complexity: Simulations and applications”, Appl Stoch Models Bus & Ind, 34, № 5, 2018, 633  crossref
  5. Christopher P. Porter, “Length Functions and the Dimension of Points in Self-Similar Fractal Trees”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69, № 10, 2023, 6221  crossref
  6. Alexey Milovanov, 12730, Computer Science – Theory and Applications, 2021, 283  crossref
  7. Tejas Bhojraj, “Generating Randomness from a Computable, Non-Random Sequence of Qubits”, SSRN Journal, 2022  crossref
  8. Christopher Porter, “The Equivalence of Definitions of Algorithmic Randomness†”, Philosophia Mathematica, 2021, nkaa039  crossref
  9. Alexander Shen, 13967, Unity of Logic and Computation, 2023, 120  crossref
  10. Nikolai Konstantinovich Vereshchagin, Aleksei Lvovich Semenov, Alexander Khanievich Shen', “Последнее открытие Колмогорова? (Колмогоров и алгоритмическая статистика)”, Теория вероятностей и ее применения, 68, № 4, 2023, 719  crossref