16 citations to 10.1140/epjb/e2013-40122-4 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Ye-Hwan Ahn, Yunchul Chung, “Numerical simulation of quantized current generated by a quantum dot pump”, Journal of Applied Physics, 122, № 5, 2017, 054303  crossref
  2. B Abdollahipour, R Mohammadkhani, “Efficient charge pumping in graphene”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 26, № 8, 2014, 085304  crossref
  3. A. S. Tsiamaki, D. E. Katsareas, N. K. Anifantis, “Influence of temperature on the modal behavior of monolayer graphene sheets”, Journal of Applied Physics, 123, № 20, 2018, 204307  crossref
  4. Dominik Suszalski, Adam Rycerz, “Adiabatic pumping driven by a moving kink in a buckled graphene nanoribbon with implications for a quantum standard for the ampere”, Phys. Rev. B, 102, № 16, 2020, 165408  crossref
  5. Jing Wang, Zijing Lin, Kwok Sum Chan, “Pure valley current generation in graphene with a Dirac gap by quantum pumping”, Appl. Phys. Express, 7, № 12, 2014, 125102  crossref
  6. Miloud Mekkaoui, Ahmed Jellal, Abderrahim El Mouhafid, “Transmissions in Gapped Graphene Exposed to Tilting and Oscillating Barriers”, Annalen der Physik, 2024, 2400010  crossref