63 citations to 10.1007/PL00001368 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Marcelo R. Ebert, Cleverson R. da Luz, Maíra F. G. Palma, “The influence of data regularity in the critical exponent for a class of semilinear evolution equations”, Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl., 27, № 5, 2020, 44  crossref
  2. Wenhui Chen, Marcello D’Abbicco, Giovanni Girardi, “Global small data solutions for semilinear waves with two dissipative terms”, Annali di Matematica, 201, № 2, 2022, 529  crossref
  3. Zhong Bo Fang, Lijun Xu, “Liouville theorems for a singular parabolic differential inequality with a gradient term”, J Inequal Appl, 2014, № 1, 2014, 62  crossref
  4. Gabriella Caristi, Enzo Mitidieri, “Existence and nonexistence of global solutions of higher-order parabolic problems with slow decay initial data”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 279, № 2, 2003, 710  crossref
  5. A. A. Kon'kov, “Behavior of Solutions of Quasilinear Elliptic Inequalities”, J Math Sci, 134, № 3, 2006, 2073  crossref
  6. Caisheng Chen, “Global nonexistence of solutions to degenerate parabolic equations in unbounded domains”, Applied Mathematics Letters, 19, № 6, 2006, 535  crossref
  7. S. Antontsev, S. Shmarev, “Blow-up of solutions to parabolic equations with nonstandard growth conditions”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234, № 9, 2010, 2633  crossref
  8. Fuqin Sun, Peihu Shi, “Global existence and non-existence for a higher-order parabolic equation with time-fractional term”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 75, № 10, 2012, 4145  crossref
  9. Kazumasa FUJIWARA, Masahiro IKEDA, Yuta WAKASUGI, “Lifespan of Solutions for a Weakly Coupled System of Semilinear Heat Equations”, Tokyo J. Math., 43, № 1, 2020  crossref
  10. Roberta Filippucci, Marius Ghergu, “Fujita type results for quasilinear parabolic inequalities with nonlocal terms”, DCDS, 42, № 4, 2022, 1817  crossref