26 citations to 10.1137/090772125 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Jiyong Li, “Energy-preserving exponential integrator Fourier pseudo-spectral schemes for the nonlinear Dirac equation”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 172, 2022, 1  crossref
  2. Elena Kopylova, “On Global Attraction to Stationary States for Wave Equations with Concentrated Nonlinearities”, J Dyn Diff Equat, 30, № 1, 2018, 107  crossref
  3. Andres Contreras, Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Yusuke Shimabukuro, “L2orbital stability of Dirac solitons in the massive Thirring model”, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 41, № 2, 2016, 227  crossref
  4. Weizhu Bao, Yongyong Cai, Yue Feng, “Improved uniform error bounds on time-splitting methods for the long-time dynamics of the weakly nonlinear Dirac equation”, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 44, № 2, 2024, 654  crossref
  5. Nabile Boussaid, Scipio Cuccagna, “On Stability of Standing Waves of Nonlinear Dirac Equations”, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 37, № 6, 2012, 1001  crossref
  6. Scipio Cuccagna, Masaya Maeda, “On Stability of Small Solitons of the 1-D NLS with a Trapping Delta Potential”, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 51, № 6, 2019, 4311  crossref
  7. Weizhu Bao, Yongyong Cai, Jia Yin, “Uniform Error Bounds of Time-Splitting Methods for the Nonlinear Dirac Equation in the Nonrelativistic Regime without Magnetic Potential”, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 59, № 2, 2021, 1040  crossref
  8. Andrew Comech, “Solutions with Compact Time Spectrum to Nonlinear Klein–Gordon and Schrödinger Equations and the Titchmarsh Theorem for Partial Convolution”, Arnold Math J., 5, № 2-3, 2019, 315  crossref
  9. Alexander Komech, Elena Kopylova, Attractors of Hamiltonian Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, 2021  crossref
  10. Feng Liao, Fazhan Geng, Tingchun Wang, “Two energy-preserving Fourier pseudo-spectral methods and error estimate for the Klein–Gordon–Dirac system”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 118, 2023, 107064  crossref