22 citations to 10.1063/1.532789 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Andrey V. Tsiganov, “The Kepler Problem: Polynomial Algebra of Nonpolynomial First Integrals”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 24, № 4, 2019, 353  crossref
  2. A. V. Tsiganov, “On Killing tensors in three-dimensional Euclidean space”, Theor Math Phys, 212, № 1, 2022, 1019  crossref
  3. Andrey V. Tsiganov, “Killing tensors with nonvanishing Haantjes torsion and integrable systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 20, № 4, 2015, 463  crossref
  4. A. V. Tsiganov, “On maximally superintegrable systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 13, № 3, 2008, 178  crossref
  5. A. V. Tsyganov, “Addition theorems and superintegrable systems”, Dokl. Math., 78, № 2, 2008, 759  crossref
  6. Maciej Błaszak, Artur Sergyeyev, “Generalized Stäckel systems”, Physics Letters A, 375, № 27, 2011, 2617  crossref
  7. A. V. Tsyganov, “Bi-Hamiltonian systems of natural form”, Theor Math Phys, 149, № 2, 2006, 1437  crossref
  8. A V Tsiganov, “Canonical transformations of the extended phase space, Toda lattices and the Stäckel family of integrable systems”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 33, № 22, 2000, 4169  crossref
  9. Andrey V. Tsiganov, “One invariant measure and different poisson brackets for two non-holonomic systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 17, № 1, 2012, 72  crossref
  10. A. V. Tsiganov, “One family of conformally Hamiltonian systems”, Theor Math Phys, 173, № 2, 2012, 1481  crossref