391 citations to 10.1007/BF02698831 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. S. Gorchinskiy, V. Guletskiĭ, “Symmetric powers in abstract homotopy categories”, Advances in Mathematics, 292, 2016, 707  crossref
  2. Ruth Joachimi, 309, Bousfield Classes and Ohkawa's Theorem, 2020, 109  crossref
  3. Grigory Garkusha, “Correspondences and stable homotopy theory”, Trans London Maths Soc, 10, № 1, 2023, 124  crossref
  4. Fabien Morel, 2052, A1-Algebraic Topology over a Field, 2012, 149  crossref
  5. Olivier Renaudin, “Localisation homotopique et tour de Taylor pour une catégorie abélienne”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 354, № 1, 2001, 75  crossref
  6. Roman Fedorov, Ivan Panin, “A proof of the Grothendieck–Serre conjecture on principal bundles over regular local rings containing infinite fields”, Publ.math.IHES, 122, № 1, 2015, 169  crossref
  7. Alexey Ananyevskiy, Marc Levine, Ivan Panin, “Witt sheaves and the η-inverted sphere spectrum”, Journal of Topology, 10, № 2, 2017, 370  crossref
  8. Oliver Röndigs, “Endomorphisms of the projective plane and the image of the Suslin–Hurewicz map”, Invent. math., 232, № 3, 2023, 1161  crossref
  9. Alberto Vezzani, “The Monsky–Washnitzer and the overconvergent realizations”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018, № 11, 2018, 3443  crossref
  10. Andrei Druzhinin, “Motivic Rigidity for Smooth Affine Henselian Pairs over a Field”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023, № 17, 2023, 14401  crossref