60 citations to 10.4007/annals.2008.167.867 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. V V Przyjalkowski, “Weak Landau-Ginzburg models for smooth Fano threefolds”, Izv. Math., 77, № 4, 2013, 772  crossref
  2. Ailsa Keating, “Lagrangian tori in four-dimensional Milnor fibres”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 25, № 6, 2015, 1822  crossref
  3. Yochay Jerby, “On Landau–Ginzburg systems, co-tropical geometry, and Db(X) of various toric Fano manifolds”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61, № 6, 2020, 061701  crossref
  4. A. Hanlon, J. Hicks, “Aspects of functoriality in homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties”, Advances in Mathematics, 401, 2022, 108317  crossref
  5. Victor Przyjalkowski, Constantin Shramov, “On Hodge Numbers of Complete Intersections and Landau–Ginzburg Models”, Int Math Res Notices, 2015, № 21, 2015, 11302  crossref
  6. Alessio Corti, Vasily Golyshev, “Hypergeometric equations and weighted projective spaces”, Sci. China Math., 54, № 8, 2011, 1577  crossref
  7. Bohan Fang, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, David Treumann, Eric Zaslow, “The Coherent–Constructible Correspondence for Toric Deligne–Mumford Stacks”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2014, № 4, 2014, 914  crossref
  8. James Pascaleff, “Floer cohomology in the mirror of the projective plane and a binodal cubic curve”, Duke Math. J., 163, № 13, 2014  crossref
  9. Christopher T. Woodward, “Gauged Floer Theory Of Toric Moment Fibers”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 21, № 3, 2011, 680  crossref
  10. Tatsuki Kuwagaki, “The nonequivariant coherent-constructible correspondence for toric stacks”, Duke Math. J., 169, № 11, 2020  crossref