37 citations to 10.1016/S0167-7152(98)00290-9 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Kouacou Tanoh, Modeste N’zi, Armel Fabrice Yodé, “Large deviations and Berry–Esseen inequalities for estimators in nonhomogeneous diffusion driven by fractional Brownian motion”, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 28, № 3, 2020, 183  crossref
  2. Litan Yan, “Maximal inequalities for the iterated fractional integrals”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, № 1, 2004, 69  crossref
  3. Alexey A Muravlev, “Representation of a fractional Brownian motion in terms of an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process”, Russ. Math. Surv., 66, № 2, 2011, 439  crossref
  4. B. L. S. Prakasa Rao, “Optimal estimation of a signal perturbed by a sub-fractional Brownian motion”, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 35, № 3, 2017, 533  crossref
  5. Muneya Matsui, Narn-Rueih Shieh, “On the Exponentials of Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes”, Electron. J. Probab., 14, № none, 2009  crossref
  6. Chihoon Lee, “On the Return Time for a Reflected Fractional Brownian Motion Process on the Positive Orthant”, Journal of Applied Probability, 48, № 1, 2011, 145  crossref
  7. Leszek Słomiński, Bartosz Ziemkiewicz, “Inequalities for the norms of integrals with respect to a fractional Brownian motion”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 73, № 1, 2005, 79  crossref
  8. Christian Bender, Robert Knobloch, Philip Oberacker, “Maximal Inequalities for Fractional Lévy and Related Processes”, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 33, № 4, 2015, 701  crossref
  9. Statistical Inference for Fractional Diffusion Processes, 2010, 239  crossref
  10. B. L. S. Prakasa Rao, “Fractional Processes and Their Statistical Inference: An Overview”, J Indian Inst Sci, 102, № 4, 2022, 1145  crossref