19 citations to 10.1103/PhysRevA.63.054302 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Han Zheng, Zimu Li, Junyu Liu, Sergii Strelchuk, Risi Kondor, “Speeding Up Learning Quantum States Through Group Equivariant Convolutional Quantum Ansätze”, PRX Quantum, 4, № 2, 2023, 020327  crossref
  2. Xiao-Kan Guo, “Geometry and Symmetric Coherent States of Three Qubits Systems”, Int J Theor Phys, 55, № 6, 2016, 2824  crossref
  3. A.Yu. Vlasov, 3, 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Workload Characterization (IEEE Cat. No.03EX775), 2003, 861  crossref
  4. Marco A. S. Trindade, Vinícius N. A. Lula-Rocha, S. Floquet, “Clifford Algebras, Quantum Neural Networks and Generalized Quantum Fourier Transform”, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 33, № 3, 2023, 38  crossref
  5. James M. Chappell, Azhar Iqbal, M. A. Lohe, Lorenz von Smekal, Derek Abbott, “An improved formalism for quantum computation based on geometric algebra—case study: Grover’s search algorithm”, Quantum Inf Process, 12, № 4, 2013, 1719  crossref
  6. Marco A. S. Trindade, Sergio Floquet, J. David M. Vianna, “A general formulation based on algebraic spinors for the quantum computation”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 17, № 14, 2020, 2050206  crossref
  7. Alexander Yu. Vlasov, “Effective simulation of state distribution in qubit chains”, Quantum Inf Process, 17, № 10, 2018, 269  crossref
  8. J. D. M. Vianna, M. A. S. Trindade, M. C. B. Fernandes, “Algebraic Criteria for Entanglement in Multipartite Systems”, Int J Theor Phys, 47, № 4, 2008, 961  crossref
  9. Marco A. S. Trindade, Sergio Floquet, J. David M. Vianna, “Clifford algebras, algebraic spinors, quantum information and applications”, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 35, № 29, 2020, 2050239  crossref
  10. M. E. S. Morales, J. D. Biamonte, Z. Zimborás, “On the universality of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm”, Quantum Inf Process, 19, № 9, 2020, 291  crossref