5 citations to 10.1142/0247 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. G. De Filippis, A. de Candia, L. M. Cangemi, M. Sassetti, R. Fazio, V. Cataudella, “Quantum phase transitions in the spin-boson model: Monte Carlo method versus variational approach à la Feynman”, Phys. Rev. B, 101, № 18, 2020, 180408  crossref
  2. N Bondarenko, O Eriksson, N V Skorodumova, M Pereiro, “Multi-polaron solutions, nonlocal effects and internal modes in a nonlinear chain”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 31, № 41, 2019, 415401  crossref
  3. J. T. Devreese, F. Brosens, “Extension to the case of a magnetic field of Feynman’s path-integral upper bound on the ground-state energy: Application to the Fröhlich polaron”, Phys. Rev. B, 45, № 12, 1992, 6459  crossref
  4. J.T. Devreese, F. Brosens, “On the validity of the Feynman-Jensen inequality expressed in the Hamiltonian formulation for a polaron in a magnetic field”, Solid State Communications, 87, № 7, 1993, 593  crossref
  5. J.T. Devreese, F. Brosens, “A comment on the Feynman path-integral method for a polaron in a magnetic field”, Solid State Communications, 77, № 8, 1991, 583  crossref