208 citations to 10.1016/j.jastp.2003.07.011 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Wang Li, Jinyun Guo, Jianping Yue, Yang Yang, Zhen Li, Deikai Lu, “Contrastive research of ionospheric precursor anomalies between Calbuco volcanic eruption on April 23 and Nepal earthquake on April 25, 2015”, Advances in Space Research, 57, № 10, 2016, 2141  crossref
  2. C. L. Kuo, J. D. Huba, G. Joyce, L. C. Lee, “Ionosphere plasma bubbles and density variations induced by pre-earthquake rock currents and associated surface charges”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, № A10, 2011, n/a  crossref
  3. Sumedha Gupta, A. K. Upadhayaya, “Preearthquake anomalous ionospheric signatures observed at low‐mid latitude Indian station, Delhi, during the year 2015 to early 2016: Preliminary results”, JGR Space Physics, 122, № 8, 2017, 8694  crossref
  4. D. V. Davidenko, S. A. Pulinets, “Deterministic Variability of the Ionosphere on the Eve of Strong (M ≥ 6) Earthquakes in the Regions of Greece and Italy According to Long-Term Measurements Data”, Geomagn. Aeron., 59, № 4, 2019, 493  crossref
  5. Cheng‐Ling Kuo, Yi‐Ying Ho, Lou‐Chuang Lee, Pre‐Earthquake Processes, 2018, 99  crossref
  6. Seçil KARATAY, Muna ALGAHANI, “1999 Marmara Depremi ve Güneş Tutulmasının Naive Bayes Sınıflayıcısı ile İstatistiksel Analizi”, European Journal of Science and Technology, 2021  crossref
  7. Tanmay Das, Ashik Paul, Parmeswar Banerjee, 2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2015, 811  crossref
  8. Cheng‐Ling Kuo, Lou‐Chuang Lee, “Reply to comment by B. E. Prokhorov and O. V. Zolotov on “An improved coupling model for the lithosphere‐atmosphere‐ionosphere system””, JGR Space Physics, 122, № 4, 2017, 4869  crossref
  9. Rui Song, Katsumi Hattori, Xuemin Zhang, Saito Sanaka, “Seismic-ionospheric effects prior to four earthquakes in Indonesia detected by the China seismo-electromagnetic satellite”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 205, 2020, 105291  crossref
  10. Linyue Wang, Zhitao Li, Yifang Chen, Jianjun Wang, Jihua Fu, “MaxEnt SeismoSense Model: Ionospheric Earthquake Anomaly Detection Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle”, Atmosphere, 15, № 4, 2024, 419  crossref