6 citations to 10.1090/conm/205/02654 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Stephen Anco, John Bland, Michael Eastwood, “Some Penrose transforms in complex differential geometry”, SCI CHINA SER A, 49, № 11, 2006, 1599  crossref
  2. Charles L. Epstein, “Cobordism, Relative Indices and Stein Fillings”, J Geom Anal, 18, № 2, 2008, 341  crossref
  3. Charles L. Epstein, Gennadi M. Henkin, 188, Complex Analysis and Geometry, 2000, 223  crossref
  4. Charles L. Epstein, Gennadi M. Henkin, “Stability of embeddings for pseudoconcave surfaces and their boundaries”, Acta Math., 185, № 2, 2000, 161  crossref
  5. John Bland, Tom Duchamp, “A twistor transform and normal forms for Cauchy Riemann structures”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2023  crossref
  6. John S. Bland, “CR deformations for rational homogeneous surface singularities”, Sci. China Ser. A-Math., 48, № S1, 2005, 74  crossref