72 citations to 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5815-z (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. L. A. Ferreira, P. Klimas, Wojtek J. Zakrzewski, “Self-dual sectors for scalar field theories in (1 + 1) dimensions”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2019, № 1, 2019, 20  crossref
  2. M. Mohammadi, “The Role of the Massless Phantom Term in the Stability of a Non-Topological Soliton Solution”, Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci, 43, № 5, 2019, 2627  crossref
  3. Vakhid A. Gani, Aliakbar Moradi Marjaneh, Kurosh Javidan, “Exotic final states in the $\varphi ^8$ multi-kink collisions”, Eur. Phys. J. C, 81, № 12, 2021, 1124  crossref
  4. Mariya Lizunova, Jasper Kager, Stan de Lange, Jasper van Wezel, “Emergence of oscillons in kink-impurity interactions”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 54, № 31, 2021, 315701  crossref
  5. A. Alonso-Izquierdo, “Non-topological kink scattering in a two-component scalar field theory model”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 85, 2020, 105251  crossref
  6. D. Bazeia, Adalto R. Gomes, Fabiano C. Simas, “Semi-compactness and multiple oscillating pulses in kink scattering”, Eur. Phys. J. C, 81, № 6, 2021, 532  crossref
  7. M. Mohammadi, N. Riazi, M.H. Dehghani, “Faster-than-light solitons in 1+1 dimensions”, Annals of Physics, 440, 2022, 168820  crossref
  8. Ivan C. Christov, Robert J. Decker, A. Demirkaya, Vakhid A. Gani, P.G. Kevrekidis, Avadh Saxena, “Kink-antikink collisions and multi-bounce resonance windows in higher-order field theories”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 97, 2021, 105748  crossref
  9. I. Takyi, S. Gyampoh, B. Barnes, J. Ackora-Prah, G.A. Okyere, “Kink collision in the noncanonical φ6 model: A model with localized inner structures”, Results in Physics, 44, 2023, 106197  crossref
  10. Yurii TURBAL, Mariana TURBAL, Andrii BOMBA, Computational Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Cyberphysics and Engineering Applications 1, 2024, 305  crossref