27 citations to 10.1016/0370-2693(91)90704-T (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. A. Sudbery, “Canonical differential calculus on quantum general linear groups and supergroups”, Physics Letters B, 284, № 1-2, 1992, 61  crossref
  2. Anthony Sudbery, “SUq(n) gauge theory”, Physics Letters B, 375, № 1-4, 1996, 75  crossref
  3. Leonardo Castellani, Marco A R-Monteiro, “A note on quantum structure constants”, Physics Letters B, 314, № 1, 1993, 25  crossref
  4. V. D. Gershun, 509, Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory, 1998, 324  crossref
  5. A.P. Isaev, Z. Popowicz, “q-trace for quantum groups and q-deformed Yang-Mills theory”, Physics Letters B, 281, № 3-4, 1992, 271  crossref
  6. M R Ubriaco, “The role of curvature in quantum statistical mechanics”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 766, 2016, 012007  crossref
  7. I.Ya. Aref'eva, I.V. Volovich, “Quantum group particles and non-archimedean geometry”, Physics Letters B, 268, № 2, 1991, 179  crossref