5 citations to 10.1615/NanomechanicsSciTechnolIntJ.v4.i2.20 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Maciej Szeląg, “The Influence of Metakaolinite on the Development of Thermal Cracks in a Cement Matrix”, Materials, 11, № 4, 2018, 520  crossref
  2. Alexander Herega, The Selected Models of the Mesostructure of Composites, 2018, 53  crossref
  3. Alexander Herega, 1683, 2015, 020071  crossref
  4. Maciej Szeląg, “Development of Cracking Patterns in Modified Cement Matrix with Microsilica”, Materials, 11, № 10, 2018, 1928  crossref
  5. Alexander Herega, Volodymyr Sukhanov, Valery Vyrovoy, Yuri Kryvchenko, 2051, 2018, 020105  crossref