66 citations to 10.1214/aos/1015952000 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Hannah Dyrssen, Erik Ekström, “Sequential testing of a Wiener process with costly observations”, Sequential Analysis, 37, № 1, 2018, 47  crossref
  2. Savas Dayanik, H. Vincent Poor, Semih O. Sezer, “Sequential multi-hypothesis testing for compound Poisson processes”, Stochastics, 80, № 1, 2008, 19  crossref
  3. Savas Dayanik, Semih O. Sezer, “Sequential testing of simple hypotheses about compound Poisson processes”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 116, № 12, 2006, 1892  crossref
  4. Giorgio Ferrari, Paavo Salminen, “Irreversible investment under Lévy uncertainty: an equation for the optimal boundary”, Adv. Appl. Probab., 48, № 1, 2016, 298  crossref
  5. Masahiko Egami, Kazutoshi Yamazaki, “Precautionary measures for credit risk management in jump models”, Stochastics, 85, № 1, 2013, 111  crossref
  6. Sören Christensen, “Phase-Type Distributions and Optimal Stopping for Autoregressive Processes”, Journal of Applied Probability, 49, № 1, 2012, 22  crossref
  7. Curdin Ott, “Optimal stopping problems for the maximum process with upper and lower caps”, Ann. Appl. Probab., 23, № 6, 2013  crossref
  8. Benjamin J. Hockman, Jianxin Sun, Herbert G. Tanner, “Emulating Nuclear Emissions With a Pulsed Laser”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Sci. Eng., 11, № 1, 2014, 317  crossref
  9. Erhan Bayraktar, Michael Ludkovski, “Sequential tracking of a hidden Markov chain using point process observations”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 119, № 6, 2009, 1792  crossref
  10. Pavel V. Gapeev, “On the problems of sequential statistical inference for Wiener processes with delayed observations”, Stat Papers, 61, № 4, 2020, 1529  crossref